Thursday, December 1, 2011


     Living in bad conditions is such a problem in life. Specially slums, slums are negative effect in humans, because its a bad quality of life. Slums negatively affect human populations through health problems, poor education and unsanitary conditions. The way that people live in slums is sick. It is very sad to see that people can live like that, in such of contaminated place. How they survived with very little money and how they live. Some health problems even cause death.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Finally Final Draft :D

Garza 1
Valeria Garza
November 7, 2011
Ms. Jaeger
World Geography
Slums Affect People That Live In Them And The World
Living in bad conditions is such a problem in life. Specially slums, slums are negative effect in humans, because its a bad quality of life. Slums negatively affect human populations through health problems, poor education and unsanitary conditions. The way that people live in slums is sick. It is very sad to see that people can live like that, in such of contaminated place. How they survived with very little money and how they live. Some health problems even cause death.
Slums are such a bad affect n humans living conditions that it causes terrible mortal health problems. Slums have deadly diseases. One of the sources mentions "diseases can be deadly" they are mortal.People that live in slums have high possibilities of getting more health problems, and some of them are more dangerous Womens that live in slums have a very high possibilitie of gettind HIV or anothey STD like the source quotes. Health issues are very complicated and a different issue would be that children and have a little education.
Some kids do not receive any enogh education to be succesful and in slums kids hardly get any education .Slums have no education. In one if the interview in the source it rephases that people that are born in slums, live in slums and die in slums. In other words is trying to say that people that live in slums do not get any oppurtunites and they live in the same conditions because they do not have any oppurtunities.Some of the kids become so bad that they even form there own gang and threated other schools outside the slums.In slums people do not know what cleaning is.
Living conditons are a huge conflict. The source metions "Flying toilets made of plastic bags" there sanitation problem are terrible that they have to use plastic bags for toilets. A person that live in a slum have many problems with there sanitary problems if they do not have clean water they can not brush there teeth or take a clean shower and the major problem clean toilets.It also affects earth's nature like the global warming and polution problems because of so many trash. Slums do not just affect people that live in it no, it also affect the whole world.
The world has the biggest global problem, its hard to see it and to no do anything about it. That huge problem is called slums. It is really terrible that it causes serious health issues, almost no education and ugly sanitary conditions. There is way too many people living in slums almost 3% of the world. What would be if we all live in slums? Would this be the end of us?

Rough Draft

     Living in bad conditions is such a problem in life. Specially slums, slums are negative effect in humans, because its a bad quality of life. Slums negatively affect human populations through health problems, poor education and unsanitary conditions. Some health problems even cause death.
     Slums are such a bad affect n humans living conditions that it causes terrible mortal health problems. Slums have deadly diseases. One of the sources mentions "diseases can be deadly" they are mortal.
 People that live in slums have high possibilities of getting more health problems, and some of them are more dangerous. Health  issues are very complicated and a different issue would be that children and have a little education.
      Some kids do not receive any enogh education to be succesful and in slums kids hardly get any education Slums have no education. In one if the interview in the source it rephases that people that are born in slums, live in slums and die in slums. In other words is trying to say that people that live in slums do not get any oppurtunites and they live in the same conditions because they do not have any oppurtunities. In slums people do not know what cleaning is.
     Living crowded and without any acess to clean toilets or clean water the sanatary conditons are a huge conflict. The source metions "Flying toilets made of plastic bags" there sanitation problem are terrible that they have to use plastic bags for toilets. A person that live in a slum have many problems with there sanitary problems if they do not have clean water they can not brush there teeth or take a clean shower and the major problem clean toilets.It also affects earth's nature like the global warming and polution problems because of so many trash. Slums do not just affect people that live in it no, it also affect the whole world.  
     The world has the biggest global problem, its hard to see it and to no do anything about it. That huge problem is called slums. It is really terrible that it causes serious health issues, almost no education and ugly sanitary conditions. There is way too many people living in slums almost 3% of the world. What would be if we all live in slums? Would this be the end of us?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I.a)  Living in a bad is such a problem in life.
  b) Specially slums, slums are a negative effect in human populations its a horrible qualty of life.
  c) Slums negatively affect human populations through health problems, poor education and unsanitary conditions.
   d) some health problems even cause death.
         Defendable Point #1
II. a) Slums have are such a bad affect in  human's living conditions that even causes mortal health problems.
     b) Slums have deadly diseases
                           i."Diseases can be deadly"
                          ii."Diseases are mortal"
      c) People that live in slums have more possibilities of getting more health problems easily, and some of them are mortal, it also affects there respiratory problems.
      d) Health problems are so bad for kids and another  problems would be the education.
            Defendable Point #2
III. a) Some kids don't receive enogh education to be succesful. In slums kids hardly get any education that's why the generation keep staying and living in the same condintions.
      b.) Slums have no education.
IV.        Defendable Point #3'
      Living crowded and without acess to clean toilets and clean water the sanitary condition are a huge conflict
                        i."flying toilets made of plastic bags"
                       ii.There sanitation problems are so bad that they have to use plastic dirty bags for toilets. Slums are a negative affect in the world.
      a.) The world has one of the biggest global problem would be having slums in citites
      b.) It is so bad that it causes serious health problems.Almost no education, and horrible sanitation conditions.
      c.) The conflict of having slums outside cities is causes to much populations.
      d.)What would be of the world if we all live in slums?
Would this be the end of us?

Thesis Statement

     Slums are negatively affect human populations through health problems, poor education and unsanitary problems.